
Fitsteps at Old Splott Library; dancing your way to dropping a dress size!

A mixture of dance moves and aerobics, Fitsteps is a new way of keeping fit and there are classes available in our very own Splott!

Third in the Splottlight series on Fitness and Fun in Splott is a quick profile on a local exercise class that combines aerobics with classic dance moves.  Called Fitsteps, classes run twice a week at old Splott Library, Singleton Road in lower Splott, and are a fun way of keeping fit while also learning steps to the Charleston, Jive, Waltz and other dances.

I went along tonight with a friend to find out what it was all about (thanks Lowri!).  An hour later, I was puffed out, sweating, red in the face and feeling quite accomplished that I’d lasted the hour without bumping into anyone (unlike the last time I tried Zumba, when I hit the same lady in the face, twice, by turning in the wrong direction).  Lowri, annoyingly, looked like she’d done nothing more than a weekly shop in Tesco. Hmm, I thought to myself, maybe your fitness levels need some work!

But it was great fun and I’ll definitely be back!

The class started with a 15 minute warm up, which gradually got more strenuous, and in which we learned the basic dance steps to the routines.  30 minutes of cha-cha-cha, jiving and waltzing followed to music ranging from dance tracks to funkier numbers from peeps like Paulo Nutini.  Adelle was saved for the cool-down at the end.

Classes run on a Monday and Wednesday night between 6pm and 7pm and cost £5 and £2.50 respectively.  Why do they cost different prices, I hear you cry?  Well the answer is simple!  Monday night is run by trainer Amanda, who takes you through all the steps, and Wednesday night is a more local group, led by Sarah, with a DVD playing up the front to guide you through the dance moves.  The way it was described tonight tickled me: ‘Oh, Monday’s proper and tonight’s more if you haven’t got enough room in your living room to do the DVD’.

The classes are open to adults of all abilities (you can easily walk the steps instead of ‘dancing’ them) and (trust me on this), even the most uncoordinated can take part.  All you need is to dress appropriately and bring water and a towel. By dress appropriately, I mean stretchy stuff and trainers or dance shoes, not top hat and tails.

I can honestly say that Fitsteps was brilliant! A great combination of music, moves and motivation from the other women taking part.

It’s also wonderful to see a local facility previously under threat thriving as a community venue.  I would encourage anyone feeling like they want to improve their fitness, even a little bit, to go along and give it a go (don’t be afraid of looking like a beetroot by the end – you won’t be the first and that’s when you get the good comments.  My best one tonight was: ‘Well, I’ve got to take my hat off to you.  You did well (at this point I was thinking along the lines of Ginger Rogers) – you lasted until the end.’

I’ve obviously got a few more steps to go!

You can find out more about Fitsteps here

Alternatively, you can call Amanda on 07916165350 for informatoin about the local group.