
Splott’s Brilliant Breakfast Club

Did you know that every Thursday morning between 8am and 10am you can get a hot breakfast and a bag of shopping for just £3?

Not only that, but the breakfast club provides pet food for cats and dogs for those struggling to feed their feline and canine friends.

Splott Community Volunteers is an incredible charity that runs a breakfast club out of Old Splott Library each week, providing people with food and essentials.

In a recent Facebook post, Dave Jewell said:

“Good morning everyone!

We have a wonderful selection of fresh food, plus ready meals. We also have various tins of mince meat, peas, sweet corn, Tuna, Mackerel, Sardines, ham etc. Along with bread, pasties, sausage rolls, baguettes, donuts & cakes.

Plus we have cat and dog food.

For a small donation of £3 you get a breakfast roll, tea or coffee plus one bag of shopping.

We are here every Thursday morning,

8-10am, at The Old Splott Library, Singleton Road, Splott, Cardiff.

All the best

SCV xx”

Here are some photos of some of the stuff on offer (will differ week to week):

Splott Community Volunteers’ Breakfast Club

Helping to bring our community together and ensure no one goes hungry.

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To find out more about Splott Comm Vols, click here.