
Residents rise up against litter: Keep Splott Tidy launches on 21st August 2016

There has been a lot of noise in Splott recently about the level of litter blighting certain streets and parks in the suburb and Inksplott has been inundated with emails, tweets and messages about the problem.

A number of residents recently met with two local councillors and members of City of Cardiff Council waste enforcement team to discuss the problem in more depth and look at possible solutions to what has become a messy problem.

Initial feedback is promising and we look forward to finding out more about proposals to curb fly tipping and general littering in Splott, but in the meantime, Splottlanders can roll up their sleeves and help make Splott even tidier by going along to the first ever Keep Splott Tidy event on Sunday the 21st August.

The event is supported by Keep Wales Tidy and litter pickers, bags and high vis vests (nice) will be provided for local volunteers.  Gareth Davies from Keep Wales Tidy will be there on the day and will also arrange collection of the bags of litter collected.

For those wishing to volunteer, we will meet at the Neath Street entrance to Moorland Park at 10am and conduct the first litter pick in the park and surrounding area until 11.30am, followed by a cuppa and a chat somewhere local.

The plan is to run a Keep Splott Tidy litter pick once a month in different locations around Splott and maybe crossover with Keep Adamsdown Tidy, which is about to get up and running.

During the first pick, volunteers will be asked where they would like to target next and we’ll go from there.  If you have any suggestions on local litter hotspots, please get involved and leave a suggestion in the comment box below.

Splott is a great place to live and a fantastic community to be part of and we can all help make it better by getting involved.  It’s also an opportunity to meet your fellow Splottlanders, make friends and have a chinwag (and don’t forget we all get to wear high vis vests – who could possibly resist!).

Please come along and help make Splott tidy; it would be fantastic to have a good turnout for the first litter pick.

For more information on Keep Wales Tidy, click here:

For information on what waste collections happen when, click here: